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Condux International is a manufacturer of underground and overhead cable installation tools and equipment for the telecom and electric power markets.

The importance of safe and efficient cable installation cannot be underestimated. Fiber optic cables, power cables, twisted pair and co-axial cables, all need to be pulled or blown, either overhead or in underground applications, adhering to very specific requirements. The Condux products line is well versed to accomplish these varying requirements.


The Most Common Cable Installation Tools and Equipment Manufactured by Condux and Supplied by AMAC Equipment Are:

●      Fiber cable installation tools

●      Power cable installation tools

●      Pulling eyes and accessories

●      Swivels & accessories

●      Aerial tools

●      Engineer to order

●      Fishing & rodding

●      Other products


Each of the aforementioned categories has a wide range of Condux products available. For instance, fiber optic cable guides, fiber optic cable pullers, duct couplers, and fiber optic cable blowers are a few of the cable installation tools supplied by Condux. Meanwhile, fiber optic pullers, replacement rollers, set-up brackets, 90-degree corner blocks, pole mounts, and cable blocks are some of the aerial products offered from Condux.

AMAC Equipment Ltd. is dedicated to bringing to customers in Canada only the best cable-installation tools and equipment. As part of this effort, we have partnered with Condux and are proud to provide telcos, utilities, and supporting contractors across Canada with Condux products. Call us today to get a free quote or get expert consultation on cable-installation tools and equipment.

Bridge HangersCalibration DynamometerPole Mount Cable BlocksDuct RoddersSingle Roller Cable BlocksBore SpacersDuct Rodder AccessoriesOverlash & Economy BlocksTurboSlitterDuct Rodder Repair/ReplacementCable Jacket & Innerduct SlitterPole Bracket & Mount AdapterLow Pressure Seal-OffsRatcheting Innerduct SlitterCable BendersInnerduct SlitterSet-Up BracketPower Dart® BlowerTelephone Cable Cutters45 & 90 Degree Corner BlocksConduit CarriersPVC & Polyethylene CutterWinch Line BlowerCable BenderPulling Ropes & Pull TapesUtility Cable CuttersMandrelsSwivelsRatcheting Cable CuttersRope to Swivel ClevisCable Stripper/SlitterRope to Rope ConnectorsBreak-Away Swivels/Replacement PinsThreaded Chain ConnectorsFigure 8 Swing LinksOverhead Fiber Optic Cable SheaveMultiple Pulling HarnessesEye to Eye Connectors400 Directional Drilling Swivels/Replacement Pins819 Directional Drilling Swivel/Replacement PinsDirectional Drilling GreaseDirectional Drilling Break-Away Swivels/Replacement PinsCable Pulling GripsPE & PVC Pulling EyesInnerduct Pulling Eyes & AccessoriesRe-Usable Power Cable Pull EyesCrimp-On Pulling EyesCable Pulling LubricantCableGlider® LW Cable PullerCableGlider® Standard Cable Puller & AccessoriesCableGlider® Plus Cable Puller & AccessoriesCableGlider® Heavy Duty Cable Puller & AccessoriesCableGlider® Standard Cable Puller Running Line TensiometerCableGlider® Plus Cable Puller Running Line TensiometerCableGlider® Heavy Duty Cable Puller Running Line TensiometerAPS75 Cable Puller & AccessoriesAPS75 c/w Air Compressor & AccessoriesWDR505 Cable Puller & AccessoriesWDR505 c/w Air Compressor Cable Puller & AccessoriesFlexible Cable Guides & AccessoriesJamb Skid - Heavy DutyHanger Arms for 10,000 lb. SheavesLight Base SheaveHooked Hanger Sheaves 10,000 lb.Hooked Hanger Sheaves 4,000 lb.Heavy Duty Quadrant Block & Hanger ArmsCable Feeding Sheaves60 Degree Quad BlockFairlead Quadrant Block3 Sheave Cable GuideMini Corner Cable GuideCorner Cable GuidesCable Bending Shoe - PlasticNylon Cable ProtectorSupport BarChainsAluminum Split BellsReplacement SheavesGulfstream™ 400 Fiber Blower & AccessoriesMini-Blower/Pusher & AccessoriesHand-Held Fiber Blower & AccessoriesMicro Duct Pull EyesMicro Duct Multiple Pulling HarnessTriple ShuttlesGulfstream™ 300 Micro Fiber BlowerGulfstream™ 200 Micro Fiber BlowerGulfstream™ 150 Micro Fiber BlowerCable Blowing LubricantsGeneral Purpose CleanerInnerduct Pressure Test KitsMandrel & Pressure Test KitInnerduct Split CouplingsComfit CouplersTransfit CouplersMicrofit CouplersReusable Microduct CouplerDirect Bury CouplersGulfstream™ 400 High Pressure Water Pump & AccessoriesFiber Optic Cable Puller PackagesPortable Hydraulic Power Packs & AccessoriesFiber Optic Cable Puller Remote Mounting StandFiber Optic Cable Puller Mounting SocketsFiber Optic Cable Puller Hitch MountFiber Optic Cable Puller Pole Mounting FrameFiber Optic Cable Puller CapstansOpen Style Fiber Optic Cable Pulling TrailerSlip Clutch CapstansFiber Optic Jamb SkidFiber Optic Sheave Mount Packages & AccessoriesFiber Optic Quadrant BlockHanger Arms for Fiber Optic Quadrant BlockFiber Optic Hanger BlockUnderground Fiber Optic Cable SheaveFiber Optic Cable Pulling LubricantManhole Guard RailManhole Shield - High Impact PolymerManhole Cover Lifting HooksHand Hole HooksFiber Optic Innerduct PlugsInnerduct Organizer PlugsNon-Metallic Eye Nut PlugsUniversal PlugsNon-Metallic Innerduct PlugsCable RacksCable Rack HooksCable Rack InsulatorCable & Corner Rack SupportsSteel Manhole Ladders & Steel Wall Mount LaddersPulling-In IronsExpansion AnchorGround Tents